Jubal's Lyre

Sacred music is meant to illuminate a text and enhance an occasion. The aim of Jubal's Lyre is to perform some of the world's greatest sacred music with a sharp focus on text and a strong sense of occasion. Jubal's Lyre celebrates the Hebrew Bible text by reuniting it at festival times with the diverse musical settings it has begotten over its long history of being taken seriously by Christians and Jews in many lands. Jubal's Lyre concerts are ingatherings of musical exiles, in which Biblical Hebrew is given a place of honor, alongside its more famous Latin and German translations, as one of the great languages of Western sacred music.

About Jubal's Lyre

Musical midrash (1995)
Recognition scenes in the guise of concerts (1995)
"Bach and Baba Ghanoush" (1994)  [audio]
The challenges in doing ‘musical midrash’ (1993)
Textual meaning in sacred music (1992)

Musical settings of Biblical texts  [audios]

Psalm 19
Psalm 30
Psalm 100
[About the Hallel Psalms]
Psalm 113
Psalm 114 & 115
Psalm 116
Psalm 117
Psalm 118

Song of Songs
[About the Song of Songs]
"Shir Hashirim"
"I am the rose of Sharon"
"By night on my bed I sought him"
"I am come into my garden... I sleep but my heart waketh"
"I am my beloved's"
"Set me as a seal"
"Quam pulchra es": a Marian bouquet

Concert program booklets

2004 B.U. concert of psalms
1996 Passover
1995 Hanukkah
1995 Passover
1994 Hanukkah
1994 Shavuot
1994 Passover
1993 Hanukkah
1993 Passover
1992 Hanukkah
1992 Passover
1991 Hanukkah
1991 Sukkot

B.U. concert photos

Singers and instrumentalists

Purcell as Psalmist

Purcell's settings of psalms

Marcello and the Venetian Ghetto

Essay about Marcello
Marcello's settings of psalms

Jane Myers' psalm-settings

Yiddish Concerts
